Coaching & Mentoring Skills for Leaders
This High Impact Session takes a deep dive into Coaching & Mentoring Skills as well as combining personality profiling as tool to accelerate the Coaching and Mentoring session to a higher level where it could help the employees to maximize their contribution and performance. The combination of Coaching and Mentoring Skills enables the leader to play a dual role as and when required to bring staff performance to an optimum level. Coaching on a separate view is a proven intervention for change, performance improvement and employee engagement. Whereas right Mentoring Skills will ensure the transfer of knowledge, skills and behavior to take place effectively. Implementation of Coaching and Mentoring in day to day working world elevates the leadership qualities, creates a positive relationship between leaders and their employees and ensure employees obtain the relevant and required know-how and behavior to complete their tasks.

Targeted Groups:
This course was design to fit:
Leaders across all industries.
Course Objectives:

This course was designed to let the participants able to:
Gain 5 Powerful Coaching Tools
Obtain Techniques to Improve Relationship with Employees
Adopt a Solution-Focused Mindset
Apply Methods to Drive Individuals and Team Performance through Coaching
Apply Coaching Techniques in Workplace
Acquire Powerful Tools Conduct Mentoring
Obtain Knowledge on Psychology of Personalities
Acquire Applied Knowledge on Psychology of Mentoring and Learning
Able to Create a Consistent Methodology of Mentoring that Increases Performance and Support the organizational growth
Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to The Program
Learning Outcomes
History of Coaching
What is Coaching?
Unit 2: Coaching & Change
Coaching for Strategic Change
Change & Learning
Directive vs Enabling
Unit 3: Coaching, Counselling, Consulting & Mentoring
Difference between Coaching, Counselling, Consulting & Mentoring
Effectiveness of Coaching in Comparison to Other Interventions
How Coaching Works?
Unit 4: Types & Characteristics of Coaching
Types of Organizational Coaching
Characteristics of Coaching in Organization
Coaching in Organization
Will & Skill Matrix
Unit 5: Impact of Coaching
Benefits to Organization, Leaders & Employee
Credibility of Coaching
Unit 6: Coaching Guiding Principles
Five Steps Coaching Process
What Should Coaches Do?
Unit 7: Coaching Tools
5 Coaching Tools
Implementing the 5 Tools
Unit 8: Coaching Models
Overview of Coaching Models
Types of Coaching Models
Unit 9: Grow Model
How GROW works in Coaching?
Flexibility of Grow
Coaching Demo
Coaching Practicum
Participants Reflection
Unit 10: Solution Focused Coaching Model
What is Solution Focused Coaching Model?
Solution Focus vs Problem Focus
Coaching Practicum
Participants Reflection
Six Catalytic Questions
Unit 11: Introduction to Mentoring
Why Mentoring?
What is Mentoring
70:20:10 Model
Unit 12: Types & Principles of Mentoring
Categories of Mentoring
Principles of Mentoring
Unit 13: Characteristics of Mentor
Behavioral Traits of a Mentor
Skills Required for an Effective Mentor
Mindset & Attitude of a Mentor
Mentor-Mentee Relationship
Unit 14: Similarities & Mapping of Coaching Elements Into Mentoring
What Are The Similarities Between Coaching & Mentoring
Mapping the Coaching Elements into Mentoring
Unit 15: Psychology of Personalities
5 Factor Analysis of Personalities
Managing Mentees from various Personalities
Unit 16: Psychology of Mentoring & Learning
How people learn?
Adult Learning Principles
What are the Learning Factors that Affect Mentees during Mentoring?
Do’s & Don’ts in Mentoring
Managing Mentees using Positive Psychology
Types of Learners
Types of Body Language
Transfer of Knowledge, Skills & Experience
Feedback Techniques
Unit 17: Implementing Mentoring
Mentoring Demo
Mentoring Practicum
We are giving away a special Personality Profiling worth RM400 per test which is based on 5 Factor Analysis of Psychology of Personalities. By participating in this online-test, participant will obtain a detailed personality report on them which includes strengths weaknesses of their personality and how to improve it further to build a better inter and intra personal relationship.